LEC: 15

Function Parameters and Arguments


Call by value and Call by Reference

function parameter (sometimes called a formal parameter) is a variable declared in the function declaration:

Example : 

void function(int i)


An argument (sometimes called an actual parameter) is the value that is passed to the function by the caller:

Example :

There are 2 ways to pass arguments to a function :
--->1. Call by value
--->2. Call by reference or Call by address

Call BY value:--
  • In this we Pass the copy of variable or data to the function.
  • The changes doesn't reflect to the original data.

Call BY Reference or call by address:--

  • In this we Pass the address of data to the function.
  • The changes reflect to the original data.

Source Code for Call By value


using namespace std;

void swap1(int a,int b) //parameters


    int temp=a; //temp a b



    cout<<"Under swapping function \nthe value of a : "<<a<<" and b : "<<b<<endl;


int main()


    int x=5,y=7;

    cout<<"Before function call \nthe value of a : "<<x<<" and b : "<<y<<endl;

    swap1(x,y); //argument

    cout<<"After the function call \nthe value of a : "<<x<<" and b : "<<y<<endl;

    return 0;


Source Code for Call By Reference


using namespace std;

void swap1(int a,int b) //parameters


    int temp=a; //temp a b



    cout<<"Under swapping function \nthe value of a : "<<a<<" and b : "<<b<<endl;


void swap2(int* a,int* b) //parameters


    int temp=*a; //temp a b



    cout<<"Under swapping function \nthe value of a : "<<*a<<" and b : "<<*b<<endl;


int main()


    int x=5,y=7;

    /*--->call by value

    cout<<"Before function call \nthe value of a : "<<x<<" and b : "<<y<<endl;

    swap1(x,y); //argument

    cout<<"After the function call \nthe value of a : "<<x<<" and b : "<<y<<endl;


    cout<<"Before function call \nthe value of a : "<<x<<" and b : "<<y<<endl;

    swap2(&x,&y); //argument

    cout<<"After the function call \nthe value of a : "<<x<<" and b : "<<y<<endl;

    return 0;



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