LEC: 14 | JAVA



Arrays in JAVA



Source Code:
package lec_5;

import java.util.*;

public class Lec_5 {

    public static void main(String[] args) {
     int elements[]={22,33,65,7778,54,656,24,77};
     //accessing individual elements of array
//        System.out.println("the element at position 1 : "+elements[0]);
//        System.out.println("the element at position 2 : "+elements[1]);
//        System.out.println("the element at position 3 : "+elements[2]);
//        System.out.println("the element at position 4 : "+elements[3]);
//        System.out.println("the element at position 5 : "+elements[4]);

//printing all the elements of array
//int size_element=elements.length;
//    for(int i=0;i<size_element;i++)
//    {
//           System.out.println("the element at position:  " + i +" is : " +elements[i]);
//     }

//for each loop for array
//for(type variable: array_name)
//    //statements;
    //for(int i : elements)
    //              System.out.println("the element is  " +i);

    //changing individual elements of array
        System.out.println("before changing : "+elements[0]);
        System.out.println("After changing : "+elements[0]);



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